



沃尔特集团已经在氢能领域加强了多年的活动。氢动力系统被视为可持续能源转型的关键技术,特别是在重型运输中。沃尔特集团在氢能领域认识到了巨大的增长潜力。为了利用这一行业的机会,沃尔特集团于2024年4月成立了一个独立的子公司——沃尔特氢技术有限公司(Voith HySTech GmbH)。










Voith establishes hydrogen joint venture with Chinese technology group and automotive supplier Weifu


Voith and the Chinese Weifu High Technology Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement on June 13, 2024.

The aim is to jointly develop and promote hydrogen storage systems for mobility applications.



Voith has been intensifying its activities in the field of hydrogen for several years now. Hydrogen-powered systems are regarded as key technologies for a sustainable energy transition, particularly in heavy-duty transportation. The Voith Group has recognized great growth potential in the field of hydrogen. A separate subsidiary, Voith HySTech GmbH, was established in April 2024 in order to leverage opportunities within this sector.


On June 13, 2024, Voith signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese Weifu High Technology Group, including the establishment of two joint ventures. Both companies intend to work together on the research, development, production and application of hydrogen storage systems. One of the joint ventures is designed for the global market (excluding China) in which Voith is the controlling majority shareholder with Voith HySTech GmbH at the Garching site near Munich, Germany. The second joint venture for the Chinese market is majority-owned by Weifu.


H2 storage system on a truck


For Voith, Weifu is the ideal complementary partner, bringing with it the relevant know-how in the area of scaling automotive applications and supply chains as well as offering important access to the Chinese market. In addition, Weifu has already been active in the hydrogen sector for several years. Due to the high market dynamics and the need for investment, a partnership is the logical next step for Voith to further accelerate developments in the field of hydrogen and to leverage the great market potential.


The aforementioned agreement was concluded with the help of the German company Bosch, which has been researching the development of hydrogen fuel cells together with Weifu since the beginning of 2022 and also holds strategic shares in Weifu.


The cooperation deal, including the establishment of the two joint ventures, is expected to be completed by Q4/2024 and is subject to all regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.

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