庄信万丰助力低碳氢气项目H2H Saltend

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挪威国家石油公司2023年1月30日宣布JM的LCH™技术将被应用在他们的H2H Saltend氢气项目中,从而达成一个结合碳捕集技术的600兆瓦产能低碳制氢工厂。

庄信万丰助力低碳氢气项目H2H Saltend



H2H Saltend是当下最新的选择了LCH™技术的项目。作为JM催化剂技术业务的一个关键增长动力,LCH™技术也正在HyNet项目中使用,而且我们还有其他令人兴奋的项目正在布局中。在项目上取得进展的同时,我们最近还宣布了与霍尼韦尔8 Rivers公司的合作,为我们的客户扩大技术服务范围。

催化剂技术公司的首席商务官Alberto Giovanzana如此评价:“氢气在帮助我们减少碳排放方面发挥重要作用。在这个项目中使用庄信万丰的LCH™技术将使氢气的生产减少95%的排放,并展现英国在低碳技术方面的领先地位。”

庄信万丰助力低碳氢气项目H2H Saltend

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Equinor have announced that our LCH™ technology will be used in their H2H Saltend project on Jan 30th,2023; a 600-megawatt low carbon hydrogen production plant with carbon capture. 

It's the first of its kind and scale, helping to establish the Humber region in the UK, as an international hub for low carbon hydrogen. The plant design will use Linde Engineering's hydrogen and air separation technologies, which will be combined with our LCH™ technology.

Due to be operational by 2027 and sited at the energy intensive Saltend Chemicals Park, to the east of Hull, it will help to reduce the park's emissions by up to one third. To achieve this, low carbon hydrogen will directly replace natural gas in several industrial facilities reducing the carbon intensity of their products. The amount of CO2 stored will be around 890,000 tonnes per year equivalent to taking about 500,000 cars off the road annually

H2H Saltend is the latest project to select our LCH technology – a key growth driver for our Catalyst Technologies business. Our LCH technology is already being used in the HyNet project, and we have other exciting projects in the pipeline. Alongside progress in projects we recently announced collaborations with Honeywell and 8 Rivers, broadening the technical offerings for our customers.  

Alberto Giovanzana, Chief Commercial Officer of Catalyst Technologies says: "Hydrogen will play an important role in helping us reduce carbon emissions. Using Johnson Matthey's LCH™ technology for this project will enable the production of hydrogen with 95% less emissions and demonstrate the UK's leadership in low carbon technologies. Well done to everyone involved."

原文始发于微信公众号(Johnson Matthey):庄信万丰助力低碳氢气项目H2H Saltend

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