PEN Teonex ®
薄膜是聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯薄膜。它是一种聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯薄膜,化学性质与 PET 相当,但具有卓越的性能,尤其是在温度方面。事实上,PEN 薄膜在 190°C 左右开始收缩,而不是 PET 薄膜的 130°C

聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯 PEN 薄膜专为薄膜承受特别恶劣条件的情况而设计,例如高温 (155°C)、接触腐蚀性化学品或需要阻隔性能的应用。
Teonex PEN
技术薄膜具有优于 PET 的性能,缩小了 PET 聚酯薄膜和高性能聚酰亚胺薄膜 (Kapton) 之间的性能差距。





  • PEN(聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯)薄膜

    TEONEX® _


  • 强度、电绝缘性、耐热性、抗水解性、耐化学性、尺寸稳定性、阻气性、低低聚物萃取率等优异性能
  •  TEONEX ®在高温高湿下表现出卓越的耐久性
  • 这种卓越的薄膜具有替代其他工程薄膜的潜力,具有更高的性价比
  •  TEONEX ®也具有与 PET 薄膜相同的处理性能
  • 特征
  • 表现
  • 应用


  • Tg、低吸湿性赋予高温高湿下电气绝缘的高可靠性
  • 由于耐水解性好,Teonex ®广泛应用于高温高湿环境
  •  TEONEX ®降低FPC基板高频GHz频段的传输损耗
  •  TEONEX ®可以像PET薄膜一样进行涂布和层压
  • 优异的强度和杨氏模量,便于搬运和转换
  • 优异的水分和氧气阻隔性能
  • 对有机溶剂、化学品和油类具有出色的耐受性

Toyota Mirai banks on Teonex sealant for its fuel cells

By CARSIFU | 31 January 2021


OSAKA: Toyobo Film Solutions Ltd has developed a sealant that will be used in the fuel cells of the Toyota Mirai.

The latest Mirai, which began selling last month, will use Toyobo's Teonex, a high-durability and heat-resistant polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) film, for which the company has virtually the entire global market share.

The product is increasingly being adopted for vehicle parts. The new sealant is made by coating a unique adhesive to Teonex, along with precision processing. The product can provide various functions, such as the protection of power generation surfaces of fuel cells, insulation and shape retention for gas intake and exhaust components, in addition to joining components to make fuel cells.

Toyota has evaluated the new sealant for realizing high durability in demanding environments, a key factor contributing to the long-term integrity of the fuel cells, and decided to use the sealant for the new Mirai model.

Thanks to the newly developed adhesive and other factors, the new sealant makes it possible to join components at higher speeds, resulting in a drastically shorter per-cell production time.


丰田 Mirai Teonex 密封胶用于其燃料电池

通过 CARSIFU | 2021 1 31


大阪:Toyobo Film Solutions Ltd 开发了一种密封剂,将用于 Toyota Mirai 的燃料电池。

上个月开始销售的最新 Mirai 将使用东洋纺的 Teonex,这是一种高耐久性和耐热的聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PEN) 薄膜,该公司几乎拥有整个全球市场份额。

该产品越来越多地被用于汽车零部件。新型密封胶是通过在 Teonex 上涂上独特的粘合剂,并经过精密加工制成的。该产品除了可以连接组件制造燃料电池外,还可以提供各种功能,例如保护燃料电池的发电表面、进气和排气组件的绝缘和形状保持。

丰田已经评估了这种新型密封剂在苛刻环境中实现高耐久性的能力,这是有助于燃料电池长期完整性的关键因素,并决定将这种密封剂用于新的 Mirai 车型。


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